80% of the population will experience back pain and it is the leading cause of missed work. Back pain has been linked to a past history of injury or trauma to the head, neck, or back, and it appears that the injury need not be directly to the low back for it to effect the low back. The reason being …
Auto Accidents and Whiplash – Reduce the Risk of Chronic Symptoms
What exactly is whiplash? Whiplash is a commonly used term to describe what happens to our head and neck when we get into a car crash. Chiropractors are trained in fixing problems that whiplash can cause such as neck pain, back pain, and headaches, just to name a few. Our head is heavy and when our car is struck from …
The Food We Eat Can Cause Pain and Inflammation
How Food Can Increase Pain Do you suffer from any aches or pains? Back Pain? Sciatica? Old injuries that still hurt? Believe it or not there is a direct link between what we eat and how much inflammation/pain we experience in our body. An Acidic Diet Causes Inflammation Everything we eat (and drink) has an effect on our body’s acid/alkaline …
Trouble Sleeping? Hear Tom’s Story on How Chiropractic Can Help.
Tom from Spokane, WA shares his story of how chiropractic is changing his life, allowing him to sleep better and live pain-free.